Tatyana Bondareva


Tatyana Bondareva is an artist and illustrator from Kazakhstan who is currently living in Egypt. “Art is something that I’ve been doing since childhood. I guess it is my way to communicate with the world”. Tatyana’s paintings reflect the beauty of life that she sees around and within herself. She is mainly inspired by nature, sea, plants, animals and people. But the most inspiring for her is the connection between all of them. Tatyana truly believes that each of us is connected to everything around and to something bigger that is probably beyond our understanding. Tatyana is working with different materials: watercolor, acrylic, oil, digital art. The materials are chosen every time depending on the idea. However, all the materials she uses are of professional quality to ensure a long life of her artworks.


“Russian Sole” Russian Cultural Center, Alexandria, Egypt, November 2023.

“The Colors of Desert” Katara Cultural Village, Doha, Qatar June 2019.

“Doha Art Festival” Katara Cultural Village, Doha, Qatar May 2018

“Russian Art Exhibition” in Sheikh Faisal Museum, Qatar, September 2018

“Happy Plate” Exhibition in Qatar Foundation, Doha, Qatar December 2017 Later her painted plate was exhibited in Kremlin, Moscow.

Art Exhibition in Russian Cultural Center, Cairo, Egypt November 2013

Art Instruction Activities

2016 – 2019: Tatyana have being providing art workshops and art lessons for adults and children in such highly professional organizations as Katara Cultural Village, Qatar Foundation and Sheikh Faisal Museum, including development of educational program based on age and cultural values.

We won the second place during Internation Kite Competition between schools while I was working as an Art Teacher in an international school.


Graduated from an art school in Kazakhstan 1993 – 1997.